Under the Bridges Tour

I am going on the Scandinavia tour Aug. 17 and have seen this bridges tour in the forum. What and where is this?


  • I don't see a Bridges tour for Scandinavia here on the Tauck site, Meryl. Which tour are you booked for?


  • Under the bridges tour is one of the canal tours you can take in Stockholm. It is 2 hours long and points out many of the places you go on the bus ride around town 1st morning of tour. It was good, but one of the 1 hr tours might take you to show different places and be hust as good. You should take at least one canal tour if you have time.
  • jdurkin wrote:
    I don't see a Bridges tour for Scandinavia here on the Tauck site, Meryl. Which tour are you booked for?


    I am booked for the Aug 17 tour, but will be arriving 2 days early and wanted to do some pre tour sightseeing. I read about the tour in Stockholm, in my guide book.
  • Sorry, Meryl. Your punctuation threw me … I took it literally. :) Capital B and lower case t! Another poster has provided some info. If you google Stockholm bridges tour like I just did, you will get a lot of hits for various commercial tours. Looks very interesting! There's quite a variety to choose from, too. As to whether or not this is included in your Tauck sightseeing, perhaps Tauck Tim can tune in on his NSA frequency and provide you with the definitive answer.


  • I went in 2 days early (still dealing with jet lag, got home less than a week ago). I did a walk around old town and did the Nobel museum tour 1st day. Also, was able to see the changing of the guard while waiting for room ready. Took a half hour nap, shower and supper.

    2nd day did a tour of the palace and armory with more walking. Did the under bridges at 2 that day.

    The half day free did the open air museum, which was great, and the Nordic museum, which was ok. The Nordic is showing some of Sweden history, but you have to take the time to read as you walk around to see the things. It, also, has rooms set up from different centuries. The open air has buildings, but very knowledgable people in them to tell you a little of the history of the building. I highly recommend that and ask questions. The bus will let you off there and you can eithe walk to hotel or take ferry to old town to be a little closer to hotel to walk back.

    In Copenhagen would not recommend the canal tour unless you are not interested in the museum. It takes you by water to see most of what you see on city tour. It ate up too much time.

    In Oslo find away to give up lunch. It was not good and not enough time after you end up at hotel about 3:30 to do the important things in the city. I only had time to go to the resistance museum. Had to give up seeing The Scream and city hall. Walking on the opera house was great and can be done anytime.

    This was a great trip and hope you have good weather. I did last 2 weeks of June and had at least 80% sunshine. Was a fantastic trip.
  • Thanks to all these replies. It really helps me plan our free time. Meryl
  • I booked the tour thru concierge and paid when checked out. Of hotel.

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