Wind Star Question

Does the Wind Star have stabilizers and internet access?



  • According to CruiseShipGuide ( the Wind Star does have stabilizers, and according to the Tauck Wind Star web page (, there is Internet access.
  • I have cruised Wind Star for years on all ships (except their new one) and they all have stabilizers and internet access. It was not inexpensive, but available with the purchase of a prepaid card by the hour of usage. They do a great job on the Wind Star and with Tauck, you should be in great hands.
  • I do beleive Tauck now covers the cost of internet in all hotels and ships. They did in my recent trip on the riverboat in France and our hotels.
  • Thanks

    I had this picture of being seasick worrying about work. LOL
  • Internet works quite well now on these cruises! I did 2 in the last 3 years!
    Never got seasick but had to do some work though :P
  • Having just been on the WS last month in the Aegean, here is what I will say about the internet access...

    (1) It works pretty well for the most part -- I had little trouble accessing pages, and there are wifi routers in several places so you can use it just about anywhere on the ship
    (2) It's ridiculously expensive!!! You can buy cards which contain a set number of megabytes of access. $60 for 200MB; $120 for 500MB; or you can buy unlimited access (which allows more than one device to be simultaneously connected) for $250 US for my 7 day cruise.

    The $250 price is pretty outlandish, but any of the lesser options means you will be pretty much limited to accessing email -- in and outgoing. If you surf the internet you will burn through a 200MB card in no time. Same if you start emailing lots of photos.

    Generally speaking, if you don't mind the $250 and you really need the access -- go for it. (I did.) Otherwise, you are better off waiting till you get to port and finding a free wifi spot in a cafe.

    My $0.02 for what it's worth.

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