Scandinavia 14 Day Tour

My husband and I would like to take the Scandinavia 14 day tour in 2015. It would be our first Tauck tour. We would like feedback from those who have taken the tour. Were the tour director and tour guides knowledgeable and helpful? Did you feel you had enough time each day to see all the sights? Did you like the hotels and, in particular, the Hotel Alexandra? Did you like the restaurants? Did you feel you had enough choices at meals?
Thanks very much!


  • Whatever Tauck trip you take you can count on a yes to all of the above.
  • I took this trip end of June last year. Was great time to go. Was in Oslo on longest is dat of year and at the hotel you mentioned the had a celebration. Only negative was oslo. Skip lunch if still included. Not enough time after lunch and hotel check in to see enough and that was only meal include that was not good. By the way we had great weather and swam in outdoor pool at the hotel Alexandria.

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