Snorkeling Questions

I will be on September 23 trip. I am new at snorkeling and would like a bit more specific information than has been provided on this forum. If you have done this trip, I would appreciate your help. I am also assuming that Tauck will have someone with answers too:
Specifically what equipment is on the ship: Mask, Snorkel, wet suit, fins, neoprene foot gear to use in fins, floatation vest??
How do you enter water? Ship, shore, panga?
Any and all information will be greatly appreciated. Can't wait for the trip!


  • You will receive a shorty wet suit, mask, fins and flippers. You go via small boat to the snorkeling location and "launch" from there. I also suggest a long-sleeve "rash guard" type shirt as the water was cool when we were there (beg of April). The snorkeling was the high point of the Galapagos portion of the trip for me -we went every day. Also, I think I remember flotation devices but I didn't need one. Enjoy - fabulous trip!
  • Thank you so much for the information. I am so ready to go!
  • I did this trip in June. In addition to all mentioned above, there were also inflatable vests available to anyone wanting a little extra buoyancy, but really no need. The wetsuits provide good buoyancy. Don't be discouraged if you try the "test run" from the shore the first day and hate it. Getting into the water from the Zodiacs is a LOT easier. And, once you're in the water, crew will keep an eye on the water looking for anyone wanting to head back to the Zodiac in case you get tired.
    Equipment was good; unless you're really into diving/snorkeling and have great gear, no need to pack your own.
    It was AMAZING seeing all the turtles, plus one day we were treated to a feeding frenzy with pelicans on the surface, penguins below them, and the occasional sea lion swimming by.

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