Packing for Nepal and India

Going this oct. Taken many Tauck trips and sometimes packing suggestions leave me wondering why I brought certain items. Tauck suggests resort causal. Does this mean a sport coat for men? Do women need a long skit or dress to enter certain religious buildings or other public places? Is there any way you can put me in touch with a Tauck guide that has worked this trip.


  • I am taking this trip in October also and have the same packing questions. I would appreciate being included on the
    packing advice. Thanks.
  • Took this trip last May, it's a great but strenuous trip so be prepared. There are a couple of very long days riding in SUV's on some of the worst roads you have ever seen but it's all part of the adventure. Didn't bring, and there was no need, for a sport coat, everything is very casual. For some of the visits to religious buildings the suggestion is to have your knees and shoulders covered but we saw many who ignored the suggestion without consequence. Slacks and a sport shirt for men and a simple dress or blouse and slacks for women are fine for the more upscale hotel dining rooms.
  • Thanks for the tips on clothing. It was most helpful. Also thanks for the advice on traveling in country. I've travel in Tibet and Africa and I have a sense of what you are talking about and will be prepared.
  • yeah , its compulsary to wear long dresses to enter religious monuments. you should visit Ajmer, Rajasthan.
    It is place of Khawaza Garib Nawaz, shahenshah of hindustan

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