Romantic Germany Aug 29

Looking for others on this tour. We will be one day early in Frankfurt and two extra days in Berlin. Eager to hear any tips you might have to make the trip better.


  • We will also arrive in Frankfurt one day early to have a day to adjust from jet lag. Looking forward to the trip and meeting our group.
  • Hoping to hear from more travelers in our group. We are busy packing. Like Mary Fran, also looking for others in our group.
  • My wife, Bette and I also arrive a day early. We are from Jupiter, Fl, originally from Chicago
  • My husband Tommy and I are arriving in Frankfurt on Friday morning (one day early) from Mobile, AL, on Delta flight 14 at 8:55 a.m.

    Cary, from Jupiter, FL, are you going through Atlanta on Thursday? We will arrive in Atlanta at 3:37 p.m. on Delta flight 5236 from Mobile.

    We have a two hour layover and will be departing on Delta flight 14 to Frankfurt at 5:40 p.m. Friday.

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