Cautions re Tauck’s Iceland Fire and Ice Cruise



  • Kamlesh wrote:
    We are taking Iceland trip end of July. This is our first cruise with Tauck. Have taken couple of land tours and booked on couple of others for the future. Having high expectations from Tauck, it is scary to read the negative comments since we have persuaded three other couples to join us. Could someone be just little specific what we do and don't do. We have an extra day in Reykjavik . Is it worth going to jokulsarlon or do something else. Would really appreciate the input for suggestion

    I did this tour a few years ago with Tauck and it is one of the best tours that I have done. I spent my extra days (I added extra days) mostly in Reykjavik with a day tour out of the city. I do not know about jokulsarlon but when I looked it up it sounded interesting. I did a day trip out to the volcano that starts with E that created the problem when it erupted some years ago. My friend is going next year and if I was not there so recently, I would be going back because I found the whole tour extremely fascinating.

    Every day on the ship, there is a lecture about the area you will be seeing when you are off of the ship or a talk about the culture.

    Enjoy yourself!

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