
Is this trip suitable for children or would that be a no-no? If not suitable, any thoughts of a Tauck Bridges family trip in 2016 Down Under that runs over (U.S.) spring break or (U.S.) winter break? or (U.S.) summer break?


  • KatieL wrote:
    Is this trip suitable for children or would that be a no-no? If not suitable, any thoughts of a Tauck Bridges family trip in 2016 Down Under that runs over (U.S.) spring break or (U.S.) winter break? or (U.S.) summer break?

    We took this trip last April. Our group of 40 travelers was the most diverse group we have ever traveled with. There were three families with kids, (two of the three were multigenerational groups), several same sex couples, a few singles, and several middle-age/senior couples. The kids ranged from 8-16 and seemed to get along very well with the other kids on the trip and all of the "adult" travelers outside their families too. These kids were all very seasoned travelers and knew how to behave and their parents also knew what their limitations were too! We fit the category of midde/senior couple, so we were not traveling with kids, but we thoroughly enjoyed their presence and insight into activities provided.

    The only negative was that during the meals and some of the free time, the families went off on their own so that they were not mingling with the other travelers as much as some of the others. However, it was fine for us to "do our own things" and for the famiies to do theirs.

    Most of the activities and excursions bring out the kid in all of us and are totally appropriate for kids. Of course, it depends on the ages of your kids and the types of things that interest them.

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