Oct 27 SE Asia

We will be on the Oct 27 SE Asia to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand tour. We come into Hanoi a day ahead of tour by traveling from Washington DC through Dallas and Tokyo on American and Japan Airline.
Is anyone else on this tour that has been before? It will all be new for us.
Tom and Alice Mountjoy


  • edited August 2014
    I panicked for a moment and thought that one of us was going to be really unhappy about our travel arrangements until I realized that there are, indeed, two departures on this tour just 3 days apart. We leave on the 24 October tour and will leave bread-crumbs for you.

    I've been to Thailand many times and it's delightful. You are certain to enjoy it. Vietnam and Cambodia will be new for me and it is all new for Mrs. Portolan.

    If there is anything we discover which might be useful for subsequent travelers, I'll try to post it immediately realizing that you are just three days behind us.

    BTW, we are also traveling from Washington (live in Reston), but more circuitously: IAD-FRA-BKK-HAN largely to try F on a Thai A380 (using miles).


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