clothing suggestions

We are on the September 29th tour and I was wondering if anyone who has taken this trip before would please comment on attire for dinner in the hotels. It seems most of the hotels are quite nice and would appreciate any suggestions as to dress. Any suggestions on anything for this trip would be helpful i.e. restaurant recommendations, things of interest to see on our free time, ect.


  • Friends who took this trip before said that the first night party was the "dressiest". I am wondering what the dress in the cities (Hanoi, HoChiMinh City), etc. will be appropriate. Are shorts worn? Thanks for any info - looking forward to the trip
  • Hi Mel,

    Welcome to Vietnam.

    There are many thing to do and enoy in Vietnam.

    You should go to local restaurant for meal. Meal at hotel is ok but the price is much expensive than local restaurant.

    When you have free time you can walk on Hoan Kiem Lake, take an cyclos, attend watter puppet show in Hanoi. ....

    If you have your city name, i will advise you what restaurant you should come and what to do


  • We took this trip two years ago and loved every minute of it! As a previous post said, the first night was in the french restaurant of the hotel so everyone dressed up a little bit. I was comfortable with slacks and a silk blouse. It is very hot in that part of the world so dress comfortably. When you get to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) there are plenty of places to buy inexpensive silk clothing. I bought two silk tops and a pair of silk pants for $15. They were perfect for dining out on the rest of the trip. When on your own, find a Pho restaurant. Pho (pronounced as FA) is a noodle soup with either chicken or beef. It is usually eaten for breakfast. There is a great little informal restaurant not to far from the Metropole Hotel. In Bangkok massages are inexpensive. You can get a two hour Thai massage for about $20. My husband and I got massages whenever we had free time.
  • We took this trip two years ago and loved every minute of it! As a previous post said, the first night was in the french restaurant of the hotel so everyone dressed up a little bit. I was comfortable with slacks and a silk blouse. It is very hot in that part of the world so dress comfortably. When you get to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) there are plenty of places to buy inexpensive silk clothing. I bought two silk tops and a pair of silk pants for $15. They were perfect for dining out on the rest of the trip. When on your own, find a Pho restaurant. Pho (pronounced as FA) is a noodle soup with either chicken or beef. It is usually eaten for breakfast. There is a great little informal restaurant not to far from the Metropole Hotel. In Bangkok massages are inexpensive. You can get a two hour Thai massage for about $20. My husband and I got massages whenever we had free time.
  • Is it appropriate for men to wear shorts during the day?
  • Men did wear shorts on the trip. It was very hot. Shorts should not be worn in some of the temples. The tour director can tell you which days shorts are not appropriate. If you show up in shorts at some of the temples you will be given a "skirt" to wear to cover your legs.

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