Classic Italy Small Group September 11, 2014

Hello! We are leaving Birmingham, AL in a few days to fly to Italy through Atlanta. We are getting very excited about our first Tauk trip and are looking forward to meeting everyone in Sorrento a week from today! We have one travel tip to add to the numerous others that have been posted: Download the free Viber app onto your phone. It allows free texting and phone calls from Europe and the US. We had a lot of success with it earlier this year.

Safe travels and see you soon,

Nancy and Don


  • Hello Nancy and Don! We will be joining you on September 11 in Sorrento - it's getting close! We're from Long Island, NY and this will be our second Tauck tour. You're going to love it! As for your tip…I've heard of Viber but as most of our family uses WhatsApp we downloaded that for free texting. Technology! See you soon! Debra & Jim
  • Debra and Jim,

    We are packed and ready to leave tomorrow morning! Looking forward to meeting you!

    Nancy and Don

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