masks in Beijing

My husband and I are taking the Tauck China trip Sept 25. I am curious about using a mask as someone in another post mentioned. Is this something I should bring and if so what kind do I get and where? Or is it something that will be provided by Tauck? Thank you.


  • We visited Beijing last October while touring with Tauck and brought along 3M N95 quality masks. We never used them in Beijing nor on any of our intra-China flights and saw no others in our group wearing them either. We did see a few people on the street wearing some kind of mask but rarely. My opinion, the need for a mask in China depends greatly on the weather and your location and I would rather bring one with me and not need it than wish I had. If you will be visiting a travel clinic to be sure you have all of the vaccinations you need, just ask a nurse or medical assistant if she can give you one. Also, not a bad idea to get a 2014-2015 flu vaccination at least 2 weeks before departure.
  • Thank you!

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