Isle of Capri

Like many of you, I have an extra day in Sorrento, so want to know if it's worth the time/money for a ferry to Capri. Are the sights worth it or is it just a tourist trap? Especially, the Blue Grotto. Thanks.


  • It is definitely worth it. We did it last May and were very pleased. Be sure to go to the Blue Grotto.
  • Just make sure you take the fast ferry both ways. I made the mistake of buying round trip on slow ferry and did not know only return was after 6pm. I went and bought next fast ferry back around 3 or so. Found great place with view heading right from the vehicular to the top. Was great taking the tour around island with the blue grotto trip.
  • While my husband and I are not on the "Small Tour" Classic Italy trip--we are taking the "full size" trip, we are also interested in going to Capri. We are flying in 2 days prior to our tour and plan to take the Hydro boat to Capri. We hope to go to the Blue Grotto, if it is open. After some research, I found two companies that take boat trip either to the Blue Grotto or around the island with different time frames--1 hour to 2 hours. I was wondering if you remember which company you used and which trip you took. Did you only go to the Blue Grotto and return to the harbor or was the Blue Grotto included in the island tour?

    Did you go to Anacapri and take the chair lift to the top of Monte Solaro, and was it worth the time? I don't really know how to plan the time and which day we will go--either Sunday or the Monday of our "welcoming dinner".
  • edited September 2014
    The Isle of Capri is definitely worth the time and money although there are some "tourist traps" on the island. Most of the lemoncello that can be purchased on Capri is also available at your local liquor store. Check the weather before leaving if a small boat into the Blue Grotto is important to you. The day we went, it was too choppy to take the small boat tour around the island and so our guide walked us around most of the island including a cab ride to Ana Capri. We ate and slept well that night back in Sorrento. The cab driver recognized that we were Americans and immediately inserted a tape into his deck with every Italian American singer he had. So as we took the short cab ride for some wonderful "Kodak moments" we were serenaded by Dean, Frank, Jerry Vale and Sergio Franchi. The views are magnificent and the funicular ride was fun. The beautiful weather was a definite plus as was the great and tiring exercise. The photo ops were magnificent. You may view some of my photos of Capri by going to.... (The pic of the two men fishing was taken from shore. They are standing directly over the entrance to the Blue Grotto.)

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