Paradors of Northern Spain May 8, 2015

My husband and I are going on the Tauck Paradors of Northern Spain on May 8, 2015 and were wondering if anyone else is signed up and would like to communicate. We have only been on one other Tauck tour last year to Classic Italy and had a blast. We followed it up with a walking tour of the Lakes Region of Italy with Girisole. That tour was phenomenal. We are looking forward to this tour as well. We are following it up with a stay on Madeira off Portugal. We figure if we are going to be on a plane that long to get there (from US/Idaho), we are going to see as much as we can.


  • I am two tours before you. I have had a message posted for some time but no one on this tour seems to want to chat. I am going a day early primarily to be rested for when the tour begins.
  • whw wrote:
    I am two tours before you. I have had a message posted for some time but no one on this tour seems to want to chat. I am going a day early primarily to be rested for when the tour begins.

    Please post after your return. I would love to hear if you enjoyed it. We had so much fun on Classic Italy that we hope this one will be the same. I too was hoping to hear from someone taking our trip but so far nothing. Oh well, guess we will have to wait to meet.
  • I will certainly try to post a review here, however, I only return on May 1 so if there are some specific questions I would be happy to answer them.
  • Hi guys,
    Went on this trip last year and it was one of my favorites. I decided to go after watching the movie "The Way", figuring that would be the closest I came to a 500 mile "walk" . The hotel you will stay at in Leon is actually in the movie. Anyway, this is the most amazing trip that should be classified as a "foodie" trip to end all---like eating and sampling wines all the way across Spain. My tour director was Todd, and he has been the best director I've had in 6 Tauck trips----very knowledgeable, pleasant, and big on "surprises".
    Between breathtaking scenery, beautiful hotels and inspiring buildings and churches, this is one trip I would repeat (after I've covered all the other places I plan on going) :)

  • This is, indeed, a foodie tour! You will love the variety of foods and wines. A number of us have posted on this forum about extra things to do! Barcelona and San Sebastian have especially great food/tapas and wine tours!
  • In my table 4 of us .. we average 2.5 to 3 bottles of wine per sitting. I'm not joking.... wine runs like water. :))

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