Free time in Istanbul

We will arrive early the first day and have the entire afternoon to tour on our own before the welcome dinner. Will the archaeological museum be part of the Topkapi Palace tour? Any suggestions for sights not included in our tours that we should try to see the first day or during free time day 3? So much to see - so little time!!

I appreciated the help with my question about attire!


  • We enjoyed the Dolmabache Palace. Palace and grounds are beautiful. You do have to go with a guide so there may be a bit of a wait.
  • I agree that the Dolmabache Palace is worth a visit. If you are really feeling adventurous, board a ferry (not too far from the Dolmabache Palace) and take a 11/2 hour ride to the Princes' Islands. The ferry ride was truly a wonderful experience...a restaurant owner we met on the dock brought us tea, and the ladies in the seats across from us (in head scarves and spoke no English) offered us homemade cookies! The ferry kept making local stops and people kept piling on! Hawkers were selling things and everyone was quite jovial and friendly. When we arrived at our destination island, Buyukada, it seemed as if the entire ferry emptied there. Obviously, it is a family outing destination. We then boarded a phaeton(horse and carriage) and took a tour around the entire island. It was wonderful! The vistas were simply beautiful! At that time (6 years ago) it cost 45 TL. Stupidly, I must have thought I was on a Magic Kingdom ride as I thought he indicated 45 EACH...even though he spoke no English, he made it clear that that was for both! Needless to say, I tipped him well! We walked around a bit (too cold and windy to trek up the hill to church at top), ate at our new friend's restaurant (Ali Baba) and then boarded the ferry for the return trip which was just as fascinating as the trip there! If you are interested in experiencing some Turkish culture off the beaten path, then you will certainly enjoy this adventure.
  • Thank you for your wonderful suggestions!

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