Australia has officially raised the Australian National Terrorism Public Alert System to HIGH

From my email:

The Government of Australia has officially raised the Australian National Terrorism Public Alert System (NTPAS) from MEDIUM to HIGH. Australian National Security has stated that at this time, the knowledge is not based on a specific attack plan, but rather a body of evidence that points to the increased likelihood of a terrorist attack in Australia. Scheduled to go next week.. :-/

Australia is at HIGH level of alert.Map of Australia with the current level of alert for Australia - Medium

The National Terrorism Public Alert System is a range of four levels that communicate an assessed risk of terrorist threat to Australia. The four levels are:

low—terrorist attack is not expected
medium—terrorist attack could occur
high—terrorist attack is likely
extreme—terrorist attack is imminent or has occurred.

The National Terrorism Public Alert System guides national preparation and planning. It also dictates levels of precaution and vigilance to minimise the risk of a terrorist incident occurring.

The Australian Government regularly reviews alert levels.

Australian governments can change an alert level for one or more impacted communities, locations or sectors as required. A change in alert level(s) will be communicated by the Prime Minister or representative. Your Premier/Chief Minister is likely to provide you with more information specific to your state or territory.

While the public alert system may not directly affect your day to day life, it is important that you are aware that these arrangements exist. All Australian governments are committed to ensuring that you can have confidence in Australia's ability to respond to any terrorist threat or activity.


  • Yes. Thank you so much to our politicians who crave their daily 20 second sound bites. Anything for attention, poor little boys (mostly). Governments just love acronyms … but this is a new one on me, and I keep up. A cowered populace is a malleable populace, or so the theorists say. Not sure that will work on us, though. We could be too laid back to care!

    By way of comparison, DFAT had the United States listed, for a good part of the last 13 years, as exercise a high degree of caution. And since you live there, you know you are completely safe at all times. Common sense is essential. And exercising caution when traveling is pretty sound advice, anyway.

    So it's pretty much as you were. Still, with any luck, Putin will stay away from the G20, which might make all this worth it!

    By the way … the official alert did not warn of an event next week, as the cut and paste implies. But as always in this post 9/11 world, caution is always sensible.
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