Great Ocean Road trip-company to go with

My husband and I will be on the Nov. 3rd tour. We are arriving in Melbourne several days before the tour starts and are trying to decide which company is best for the Great Ocean Road tour. We prefer to be in a small group of 8-10 with many stops being made along the route. Can anyone make any recommendation(s)?



  • One of my Concierge mates recommends Gray Line tours. I know other forum members have their own recommendations. You must remember that this is a fair distance from Melbourne, so it's a long day's trip. It is sooo worth it, though. My google search showed a variety of tour operators. You can't hope to see the whole of the Great Ocean Road in one day. Commercial tours will take an inland route, joining the coast at about the half way point, giving you access to the part of the coast where the limestone stacks are located. The road, which is a War Memorial to WW1 soldiers, runs for a total of 243 km and a day trip will only show you a small segment of the total route.



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