October 5 2014 Heart of Italy Small Group

Greetings, we will be on the this trip. If you are on this adventure let's introduce ourselves. We are looking forward to the adventure.
Chris and Rick


  • Hello Chris and Rick!

    Stan and I (Sue) are looking forward to our trip. Do you know how many fellow travelers will be on this tour?

    What is your departure city?

    We leave from Boston on October 3rd. Wanted to take time to relax and adjust to the time change.

    Look forward to meeting you.

  • Hello Stan and Sue,
    We leave Chicago fly to NYC then to Venice on October 3, arrive on the 4th. This trip is our first visit to Italy. Have you been to Italy before, or on a Tauck tour? Looking forward to meeting you and sharing this adventure together. I know we will be a small group, but not the exact number.
  • Hello,
    This is our first Tauck tour and first time visiting Italy. We are very excited. The posts about this trip are very positive.

    Our suitcases are open...will begin packing this weekend. It's going to be a challenge keeping the weight under 50 pounds. I tend to overpack, so it's even more challenging.
  • Things to definitely pack . . . a light-weight rain jacket/slicker and an umbrella!
  • We will also be on this tour. Randy and Kathy from St. Louis. We will be packing this weekend before we leave on October 3 to arrive on the 4th. Our flight leaves STL and we transfer in Philadelphia. This trip should be great fun. It will be a pleasure to meet everyone.
  • Hello Randy and Kathy,
    We look forward to meeting you. What time do you arrive in Venice on the 4th? We arrive at 11:am.
    Christine and Rick

  • Crinkky,
    Best wishes for your safe and on time journey! Hear the weather is delaying flights out of your area.

    See you in Venezia!

    Sue and Stan
  • We arrive at 9:15 am. Looks like we might run into each other early. We are looking forward to meeting everyone and experiencing Italy.
  • We all had the best time!

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