Oct. 18th tour Venice, Florence, Rome

We are staying an extra day in Rome (Oct. 26th) and would like to do a day trip to Orivetto. I have looked at on line private tours (one recommended by Rick Steves), but it is expensive for just 2. Is anyone interested in joining us? Or perhaps have a line on a small tour option that would be less expensive.


  • We were on same trip in 2012 & when left Rome took train to Orvieto, closest station to apartment we rented in Todi. DId day trip from there to Orvieto in rental car...the rail station is by the funiculare which takes you up to the town of Orvieto, free bus took us to the main square where cathedral is...did our own tour. Vineyards out of town. Enjoyed our day in Orvieto & 9 more days touring in Umbria.

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