Israel & Jordon / 9/1/2015

My friend and I have booked this trip for next year. (9-1-15) The tour starts on Tuesday evening. We will be landing Sunday night. Any suggestions on what would be a MUST to see before the tour starts. Also any tips from anyone who has been on this trip as to what to bring for clothes would be greatly appreciated. It is always exciting planning and researching for an upcoming trip .
Thank you


  • Was in Israel 10/10/10 - 10/20/10 (not with Tauck) and toured from the Golan Heights to Eilat. I packed for what people and travel websites told me I should expect and it was all wrong. The day we climbed Masada, it was 106-degrees at the top in October. My advice to you is don't pack until you are within a day or two of leaving and then check out one of the reputable weather sites: or

    Then pack according to the 5, 7, or 10 day forecast but still hedge your bets bait.

  • My wife and I are leaving on this tour Feb 26(!), 2015 and will be in Tel Aviv 4 days before tour starts on March 3rd. I contacted a private tour person who was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and is now an Israeli citizen. He lives there full time with his family. You could email him: You can call him in New Jersey and he will pick up in Tel Aviv: (718) 841-8586 they are 10 hours ahead of us in California. We are taking 2 tours with him. I sent him the Tauck tour sites and he is "filling in" other sites that most people do not see, i.e. the 'secret bullet factory'.

    Hope this helps.
    Bob Pazen
    Ventura, CA
  • Bob Pazen:
    So how was the trip? Anything I should bring or know before I go. I have two days in Tel Aviv so tell me what you did there. You can e-mail:

    I appreciate any info you can give me.

    Thank you my friend.

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