Antarctica January 30, 2015

Interested in meeting others on this trip. My husband and I live in Delaware.


  • Hello-

    I am Bette from Florida and I will be traveling with an old friend (only in the time I have known her!). We are arriving in Buenos Aires one day early. We have arranged a tour for that afternoon and for the next day. We will join the group for the day in the city - although we were just there last year with Tauck - did the ABC South America trip - Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

    I am not sure if it is okay to put personal email information on this site.

    Have been on the sister ship to Le Soleal and it is lovely.


  • Have a great time. I'll be following you on February 9. I tried earlier to find some others traveling then, but not have raised their hand yet. It is still early.
  • Hi Bette! Looking forward to Antarctica. We are in Johannesburg right now geting ready to fly to Victoria Falls and the Tauck South Africa, Zambia & Botswana trip. I'll post my email when we get back to the states in November. (I've been having trouble sending emails from my account here in South Africa). Linda
  • Hello fellow Antarctic travelers. Jim and Stacy from California will be joining you on the January 30 trip. We will be coming from the Tauck Patagonia tour and headed to the Essence of South America trip after Antarctica. We are really trying to figure out the packing issues. Lots of temperature extremes! I have gotten lots of good advice from the various message boards on this site. Anyone know if the Le Soleal has laundry service on board? We aren't going to have the wight to pack a lot of "spare" clothes and may need to get some stuff cleaned on board the ship.
  • Hi Jim & Stacy! You certainly have an ambitious tour schedule! I have not been able to post from my IPad for some reason so I've had to actually turn on my desktop! I'm not sure if the ship has laundry service or not but I wouldn't be surprised if they do. You are right, the message boards are a big help.
    Bette- we are arriving a day early too. We plan to just roam the city since we've been there before and had the tours. It is a lovely city. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Linda

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