November Hawaii Trip

Hi Tauck Moderator,

I'm trying to book my free day during the big island portion and wondering when the sunset catamaran activity would begin so I can plan accordingly.

Other Tauck past travelers,

Any suggestions for tour companies and/or local activities to do on the big island for our free day? Thanks!


  • Blue Hawaiian Helicopter tours are excellent. Pilots we had on 3 island tours were pilots in Vietnam. They started this company. Has been a few years but all 3 tours were outstanding, very safety conscious when researching company as was our first helicopter rides!
  • Also booked daytime catamaran tour for snorkeling with sea turtles through Mani Lani resort where we stayed. Got lucky as only 4 of us that afternoon! Swam with abundance of turtles and had spinner dolphin escort through part of trip.
  • Hi Mikipdx,

    The catamaran sail begins at 4 PM. Please let me know if you have any other questions!


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