
My tour documents state that luggage cannot exceed 54 inches, which would be approximately a 26 inch suitcase. Looking under "before you go ", it says 62inches, which would be about 30 inches. Anyone from Tauck, please help.


  • I had a 26 in suitcase for the trip and a backpack for my carryon. Was plenty of room.
  • Hi Lori-
    I replied to your post but somehow it got placed in a different sub forum. Even though we are not traveling until February, I had the same question as you (about the size of the checked luggage) and have been in touch with Tauck. I got the final word a little while ago (from a Tauck supervisor), that the checked piece of luggage CAN be 62 inches, as long as the weight is 50 lbs or less.
    I guess they will be changing the wording in future "final documents."
    I Hope this clarifies things for you.
    Have a great trip and please post comments and suggestions when you return. Thanks!
  • Thanks Sue. I appreciate it.

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