2-23-15 trip - Philip Island add on

We are thinking of going to Philip Island on our free afternoon/evening on 2-24-15. Should I communicate with the concierge and learn of the options? Anybody on this trip interested in going?


  • Have you checked back through other posts about Phillip Island here on the Australian thread? There is an abundance of factual advice and personal opinions and experiences detailed. Past posts will give you plenty of ideas. If you have a specific question, as a local I am happy to help if I can.


  • Jan - we received advice from the concierge about going to Philip Island. There are 2 Grayline tours - leaving at 1:15 and 3:00. We prefer the early tour. The itinerary says we have lunch on our own. Will we be back to the hotel in time to get a quick bite and make the 1:15?
  • edited November 2014
    I'm sorry but I don't know any more about the nuts and bolts of your daily schedule than is written in the published itinerary. Hopefully one of the Moderators will see your post and be able to get the details for you. Having said that, I do think I've seen other posts from past travellers who have taken the Grey Line Phillip Island tour. Maybe someone else can jump in with some assistance?

    You do realise that the little chaps only do their thing at dusk, don't you? The earlier departure time just means you will have a longer tour and see & experience more things on the way to the main event. If it turns out you can't make the earlier departure, the 3 o'clock will still have you at the beach at dusk to see the penguins return from the sea and their feeding grounds.


  • jaidekman wrote:
    Jan - we received advice from the concierge about going to Philip Island. There are 2 Grayline tours - leaving at 1:15 and 3:00. We prefer the early tour. The itinerary says we have lunch on our own. Will we be back to the hotel in time to get a quick bite and make the 1:15?

    We took this tour (on the advice of the concierge) last April. As Jan said, the penguins come out at dusk, so your tour will have you there in time. You didn't mention what time of year you will be going.

    On our tour, dusk was about 6:30, so by booking the 1:15 tour we had time to sightsee and lunch (soup/sandwiches) at the demonstration farm we visited en route, and time for a leisurely walk through a koala preserve where you see (but not touch) koalas up close. We opted for the VIP tour.

    It is limited to 10 people at the indoor (warm, or airconditioned depending on season) viewing station and also includes drinks and snacks in the ranger station prior to the penguin viewing. You will be on the bus with other people who are taking different versions of the penguin viewing. We thought it was definitely worth the upgrade and highly recommend this.

    On our trip, the 1/2 day in Melbourne ended at Victoria Market so you can plan your time accordingly. We actually went to PHilip Island the afternoon after we arrived (one day before the Tauck tour) and even had time for a short visit to the Immigration Museum before the bus trip. Its a long ride, so even after our long flight to Australia, we had time for a good night's sleep and could have slept on the bus. (We did, on the way back!)

    Because we had arrived a total of 2 days early, we had already strolled through Victoria Market. If you can do this on your own, you can spend as much time there as you want. Its a long (but nice) walk back from the Market to your hotel or to the tour pick-up site, but there are trams and taxi's that can get you there in no time at all. HOpe this helps, Sherry
  • We are on the Spotlight on Australia tour starting 2/19. Thinking of doing the Phillip Island trip on Friday the 20th. Does the booking for the Grayline tour need to be made ahead of time and does that include anything other than transportation back and forth? We are thinking of doing the Ultimate Adventure Tour which I know requires reservations in advance. Appreciate any info on the Grayline tour (including how best to arrange that if booking needed ahead of time) and any comments on the Ultimate Adventure Tour at Phillip Island
  • If you work your way through all the recent posts for the wider Australian & New Zealand thread, you will find people who have booked on line directly with Grey Line and people who have contacted the Concierge at The Langham, Melbourne. Pros & cons both ways. I would possibly go for direct contact with Grey Line .... but it really is half of one and six of another. I'm sure there will be other posters here with their own suggestions.


  • We did the Australia/New Zealand trip in 2006. We arrived in Melbourne a few days early. We did the regular Grayhound trip to Philips Island and left at 3:00. The concierge at the hotel booked it for us upon our arrival. They also provided blankets and umbrellas. I actually brought thermal tops and bottoms, heavy socks and a jacket with me as I had been told it would be quite cold, and it was. It was also one of the most incredible experiences that we have ever had. I tell everyone going to Melbourne that it is a must! We have been on ten Tauck tours and this ranks number one! Not sure why Tauck doesn't include it. The penguins come out at dusk and it was about 8:00pm that day. Also, you cannot take pictures so plan on buying some at the gift store.
  • I had the opportunity of taking a tour around India in March 2015. It was an amazing trip. Indian people love every guests. They follow a slogan in Hindi "Atithi Devo Bhavaha". It means every guest is like God. I saw the Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal is a wonderful place. It was made with great love and affection by Shah Jahan for his wife.
  • edited January 2017
    We are on the Cruising Down Under Eastbound beginning February 2, 2017. Our frist full day of the tour is Friday February 3,2017. We have found out through Tauck that we will be back to our hotel by 3 pm. We have arranged for a private tour guide from Tours By Locals to pick us up at our hotel to For a tour to Phillip Island and the Koala Park.
    There are four of us and the van can hold two more. We have already paid for the trip and the guide knows we may add
    Two more people.email me at dcmk117@aol.com and I can direct you to the tour online to see the specifics and the cost involved.
    We have used tours by locals before and enjoy the customized standards that they provide.
  • We are on the Cruising Down Under Eastbound beginning February 2, 2017. Our frist full day of the tour is Friday February 3,2017. We have found out through Tauck that we will be back to our hotel by 3 pm. We have arranged for a private tour guide from Tours By Locals to pick us up at our hotel to For a tour to Phillip Island and the Koala Park.
    There are four of us and the van can hold two more. We have already paid for the trip and the guide knows we may add
    Two more people.email me at dcmk117@aol.com and I can direct you to the tour online to see the specifics and the cost involved.
    We have used tours by locals before and enjoy the customized standards that they provide.

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