April 5, 2015 Red Rocks & Painted Canyons- kids count

Our family of 4 booked our spring break Red Rocks and Painted Canyon tour on a friend's recommendation. We have a 16 year old daughter and 13 year old son. Any other teens signed up for the trip?


  • We are grandparents taking three girls ages 14 and 13. We arrive Saturday from NY
  • Where are you from
  • Hi DebG,

    As of this time, there are 15 teenagers, and 10 other children who are either preteens or whose ages have not been supplied to us; I think your son and daughter will have plenty of people to spend time with. I had the good fortune to go on Red Rocks and Painted Canyons around the time Tauck Bridges was launched. My family and I had a fantastic time, and I hope you do as well!

  • Thanks TauckTim for the information and positive review- we are looking forward to our trip!

    Carolynknits- thanks for responding! We are from Greensboro, NC and we'll be arriving Saturday as well. So excited for our first Tauck tour.
  • Deb G. My girls asked if yhey could connect with your children before we leave
  • Carolynknits, that would be great! Do you know how I can privately send you my email address?
  • My email is mcdwantagh@aol.com. You can send me a way the girls can connect
  • We are also arriving on saturday

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