VISA for Australia

For those going on the tour, just make sure you have confirmation through Tauck that you have the proper VISA to enter Australia. Their VISAs are electronic so nothing is attached to your passport. We have just received our email confirmation that the VISAs have been issued with a confirmation number.


  • How long before departure did you receive confirmation of the Visa?
  • Hello All,

    Visa's for Australia is very easy if you have an US passport. Just fill out an application electronically. Pay 20 AUS$ then just print confirmation. I got my confirmation on the same day I applied. Their website is

    Not sure about New Zealand.
  • Well, since New Zealand is a separate and sovereign country, they have their own immigration rules. You can find the visa details here:


  • Tauck took care of the VISA for us; you should get it about a month before you leave; If you don't, contact either your travel agent or Tauck directly.
  • Once you receive your written confirmation check it closely to make sure the data is correct, name spelled correctly and date of birth. My birthday was off 1 day. Tauck quickly corrected the information, but Australian Immigration was not as rapid in updating their information. Air New Zealand was of great assistance at LAX in contacting AUS and getting them to clean up their records. CARRY A COPY of your visa confirmation with you.
  • Our travel agent sent visa confirmations along with the Tauck packet about a month ago. Looking forward to the trip! Anyone know how many will be on the 11/17 Grand Australia Tour?

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