Empire of the Incas

What a fabulous trip--and a great value for the money. Tauck always schedules a variety of experiences and this was no exception. Jean Roch was a superior tour guide, competent, patient, and knowledgeable. I'm sure he worked incredibly hard behind the scenes but he was always congenial and unflappable--even guests who needed more attention than others. I'd travel with him any time anywhere!!!

I was worried to death about the altitude but decided against the Diamox and just drank lots of water and coca tea. I got along fine. People on our trip handled the altitude in different ways and i think you just have to figure out what will work for you.

All in all, a great trip with some really interesting and energetic tour companions!


  • edited October 2015
    Any idea what the weather is like beginning of April? I have heard differing replies. Thank u. Capt B

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