January 28 trip: day trips in free time

We are flying into Sydney Jan 27 and would like to hear about some activities or day trips in Sydney that would be fun to do in our free time.
Also we have an extra day in Auckland and are looking at options for our extra time there.
Would appreciate any suggestions.


  • Depending on your available time in Sydney, why not take a ferry across the harbour to the Zoo? Apart from the stunning harbour side setting you will see some of our unique flora and fauna.

    As for Auckland, there is such a lot to see. There's a hop on, hop off bus which is always a good starting point. The Auckland War Memorial Museum has an excellent collection covering local (and further field) history, natural history and military history. There's an excellent Maori section with live, cultural presentation. There are lots of wineries close to Auckland .... where ever in the world wine is made you can be sure of a good view, along with the wine! Your Auckland hotel has a complimentary shuttle bus to the CBD .... very handy since your hotel is perched on the top of one of Auckland's many extinct volcanoes. Great going down hill .... coming back ....... ooeee!



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