February 6, 2015 Portrait of India

Does anyone know about the bug spray with Deet. I have been told not to get a high concentration of Deet because it is controversial.
I have bought one with 25%. Will that be enough?

Janis Rotner


  • edited January 2015
    Personally, I've always gone with high concentration DEET. I'd rather have short term exposure to a nasty chemical than risk getting malaria. Malaria mosquitoes are an issue in India, particularly in the south (Cochin and especially Kumarakom). At Kumarakom they fog the resort in the evenings with something to chase away the mosquitoes, but I think you'll want protection while you're there.

    The CDC has some good information on their website in the malaria section. It appears that DEET concentrations above 50% don't offer any additional protection. So I think I'd look for a 50% DEET formula.

    Here's the link:


    If in doubt, contact a travel physician or clinic, if there is one in your area. You may also want to take antimalarial medicine while you're there (again talk to a physician).
  • Thanks for your help. I am taking malaria meds while there and before. Have you been to India or are you on this trip?
  • Sorry I took so long replying. We did the Portrait of India trip in 2012.

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