Feb. 9th tour

Hi. My husband, Marty and I are from Rockland County, NY. We will be going on the Feb. 9th tour, and would enjoy touching base with others who might be traveling at the same time. This will be our 5th Tauck tour and from what we have heard and read, we are in for a trip of a lifetime.


  • Hi Sue and Marty, we are Judy and John from Valley Stream, NY. We live just outside the city on the south shore of Long Island. We have also traveled before with Tauck and are delighted to be leaving next Friday for sunny Melbourne. It's going to be a treat after the cold weather arriving today. Looking forward to meeting both of you.
  • Hi Judy and John-
    Nice hearing from you. Looking forward to meeting you too.
    We were supposed to fly to LA Tuesday morning and then continue on to Melbourne on Thursday. But with another storm hitting the northeast on Monday we were afraid our flight to LA might get canceled. From past experience, we knew that if our flight got canceled, we might have a hard time getting another flight within the next few days. So we decided to change our flight to today, Sunday, to get out of NY ahead of the storm. Jet Blue has not issued a travel waiver for Tuesday, so we had to pay to change our flight. But peace of mind is worth it...especially with such an expensive tour (and flight to Melbourne) on the line.
    We will arrive in Melbourne on the 7th. On the 8th, we signed up to take the Gray Line "Great Ocean Road Tour."
    We too have traveled with Tauck before and are looking forward to this amazing trip.
    Have a safe flight and we will see you and our fellow travelers soon.

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