China, Yangtze, and Hong Kong East in April

My sister and I will be taking this trip starting in Beijing on April 9. I'd like to know if jeans are acceptable and if so, what other types of clothing and shoes do I need? Any packing hints would be GREATLY appreciated! Also how warm a jacket should I be looking to bring? As a Floridian, I seem to be always cold unless it's in the 80's. Anyone else from the Orlando area going on this trip?


  • hello from new York. I also am going in april..8 .dress casually some sweaters and all other types of clothing. you never know what weather you will get in china. talk to you soon George single traveler
  • China, Yangtze, and Hong Kong East is the place that i have heard of the most and gets visited by a lot of people on annual basis who are the visitors or new to the area. I think Beijing, Shanghai, Guilin, Hong Kong and Chengdu are the most attractive cities in China.

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