Camera Lenses

I'm planning my camera equipment for this trip and asking for advice from anyone who has taken this trip. I use a DSLR and would like to know what lenses you found the most useful and what lenses you wish you had brought. Thanks.


  • Lee,

    I haven't taken this trip, but this past year I bought a new lens and only take that one with me on trips. My camera is a Canon 60D, and my new lens is a Tamron 16-300mm (with image stabilization). This gives me the widest flexibility without the need to change lenses.

    Have a great time!

  • Took this trip last April and used a 18-200mm Nikor. For the days in the National Parks it would be nice to have a longer lens, something around 400mm but they get pretty bulky. You might want to try a zoom that goes out to 200mm and a 2X teleconverter. Lots of great photo opportunities on this trip, flight over the Himalayas is fantastic and you can get some great shots from the plane if the weather cooperates. Have a wonderful trip.
  • We're taking this trip departing October 18,2016. I'm planning on d800 with 80-400mm and Sony Alpha a7rii with 35mm and 50mm primes. Any suggestions?

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