Romantic Germany Sept 9

Can someone tell me what to expect weather-wise at this time of the year in Germany. Also, are skirts preferable for women or are slacks? How dressy are the evenings? Thank you.


  • Germany is a beautiful place to go for outing. Jeans and skirts are very popular if they are smart enough. You can go with a Camilla kaftan dress. It looks amazing and super cool outfit for holiday. Again in Germany, many places have cobbled streets so I would suggest not to wear high heels.
  • Hi bjbjb,

    Most of the information you're looking for can be found in the Before You Go section of the website (found here), or in your Personal Documents, which you should receive after making a final payment on your reservation. I've also copied the most relevant sections for you below this. I hope you have a great time on your trip! :)


    The weather in southern Germany is temperate and unpredictable. Generally, average high temperatures range from 55 to 72°F (13 to 22°C) from April through June and 65 to 85°F (18 to 29°C) from July through September. Recent summers in Germany have been unusually warm; we suggest bringing some light-weight clothing to anticipate the heat. Rain falls fairly evenly throughout the year in southern Germany, but Munich has 50% more rainfall than any of the other major cities visited.

    Your journey is designed with leisure in mind. Dress for comfort and convenience with a wardrobe that is adaptable and allows for layering. Generally, during the day, casual, comfortable, cotton clothing is recommended. Cool weather at higher elevations or at night will require warmer, layered clothing.
    In Europe, especially in finer restaurants, it is generally customary to dress somewhat formally. Slacks or a dress for women and a jacket for men are acceptable dining attire although not required. It is advisable to avoid wearing jeans, sneakers or shorts to dinner. You may also wish to dress up a bit for the welcome reception and the farewell dinner, but by all means be comfortable.

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