June 5, 2015 bella italia trip

hi two of my daughters and i will be going on the 6/5/15 bella italia trip. they are 12 (almost 13) and 9. we went to the castles and kings tour last year and loved it! looking forward to seeing what other kids & ages are on this trip. we are from CT. looking forward to meeting you all!


  • Hi! We are joining you and can't wait to meet you all! We have two daughters with us (14 and 16) and this will be our first Tauck tour and first time in Italy for the girls. We are from a northern suburb of Indianapolis and have recently done family tours to Wyoming and Alaska and have loved the camaraderie of traveling with other families. We'll see you all on June 5th! Susan
  • Hey! My family is very excited about the upcoming trip. My children are almost 13 and 9. This will be my kids second Tauck trip. @jpdooher we also did the Castle & Kings tour back in April 2014.
    We are traveling with my parents, my two brothers and my two sister-in-laws and several of my nieces and nephews. We are arriving in Rome a couple of days early to take in the sites.
    We are looking forward to meeting everyone.

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