How much walking

We are scheduled to go on the Aegean trip Southbound in May. I am currently having some difficulty walking without a cane. Hate to miss the trip because of this current handicap. Are there places to rest along the way. What's your best guess about the amount of required walking on this trip?


  • I'm sorry to tell you that I thought there was a lot of walking on this trip! While the walking in the cities (Istanbul and Athens) is a bit easier with smooth, level surfaces, walking through a number of the ruins will present a challenge with uneven, hillier surfaces. There are many "walking tours" on this trip, and, frankly, I do not recall too many places to rest along the way. Many of the very best parts of this trip require a good amount of walking if you want to get the most from these remarkable places...think Santorini, Rhodes, Ephesus, Mykonos, Delos, etc.
  • I'd suggest you take your cane ... perhaps trade it for a folding one, even one of those nifty things with a small seat? I have seen many people using them on European trips. And make sure you have shoes with a comfortable sole ... to absorb the shock of those cobblestones. Very often regular leather soles don't work for longer walks and stands on cobblestones.

    Why don't you contact Tauck directly and ask for a daily breakdown. Perhaps with some research, you can work out a way to enjoy this trip.



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