Been to Budapest Before, if so any suggestion on good Restraunt

Arriving in Budapest at end of May to start river cruise ending in Amsterdam. Arriving a day early to have some time to walk around the city and looking for suggestions on a good restaurant for dinner. Doesn't have to be big and fancy just good Hungarian food and ambiance.



  • May I suggest you look up Cafe Kor on the internet. We ate there and thought everything was just great. It's not a big restaurant in fact you could call it small but the food and service was first class. We booked a table prior to our trip and the restaurant appeared quite full. The only drawback, if you can call it one, is that they don't accept credit cards and you must pay for your meal in cash. We found no problems with that.

    There are hundreds of restaurants in Budapest but we would go to the Cafe Kor again if we ever return to this fine city.

  • We had a lovely lunch last summer at Rezkakas Bistro. I picked up a business card that gives the website as As of last year, it was open from noon to midnight. If you have time, I highly recommend the "Communism" tour from "Free Walking Tour" company. (There's no charge, but you give the guide whatever you want to at the end of the tour.) Our guide, Anna, was wonderful. The tour began at Vorosmarty Ter.

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