Helicopter Tour

We are going on the Best of Hawaii tour September 2015. We are very interested in the helicopter tour that is offered, particularly the 2 hour one. My concern is that I tend to have issues with motion sickness and have to be very careful. Over the years it's gotten better and I no longer seem to have problems on airplanes. We have traveled pretty extensively. Large cruise ships have been no problem. However, I do have issues on small water craft, such as fishing boats, tendering for longer periods (particularly if sea is rough). I don't feel so good watching certain IMAX productions. When I anticipate a problem I have used the Transderm Scop with good results. I would appreciate any input. Also how may passengers does the helicopter accommodate?


  • I was wonder which date in September. We are going 9/13/15. We are considering the helicopter tour and trying to decide which is best?
  • Do a search on helicopter motion sickness. There are a lot of links on the Internet.
  • We're going on September 13 also. We also signed up for the helicopter tour.

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