Budapest restaurants take Visa?

We'll be staying at Le Meridien in Budapest the night before our cruise and will probably be having a couple of meals in Budapest. I was wondering if, outside of the hotel, whether most of the restaurants take Visa credit cards? Or if there are ATMs nearby that accept a debit card and dispense Hungarian forints.

Bob and Nancy


  • A quick check of my Quicken records confirmed my memory that 6 years ago we used our ATM (debit) and Visa cards extensively in Budapest including restaurants. It will only have gotten better.

    Someday they'll be on the Euro, but not yet.
  • My husband and I were in Budapest for two and a half days this past November. We did not have any problems using our Visa credit card in restaurants and shops. We did not really need any local cash. They will take euros but give change in forints. The menus at the restaurants show the prices in both euros and forints. Hope this helps. You will love this cruise!
  • We have also stayed at Le Meridien. There is an ATM close by where we obtained Hungarian forints. The restaurants where we dined all took credit cards, but you might want to have some local currency for things like taxis or shopping at the central market.
  • If you want to eat at my favourite Budapest restaurant Cafe Kor than you'll need to pay in cash. Given that the food and service was outstanding in this small restaurant finding an ATM and paying cash was only a very small inconvenience.

  • I was in Budapest in July 2014 and used American Express and Visa for my restaurant and other purchases. I had no problems. I did have a supply of forints for small purchases.

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