Italia Bella -- July 24, 2015

Hello everyone! Taking our 3 children (11, 15, 17 y/o) on their first European vacation. Just wondering what the ages are of other youngsters going on this tour.



  • Hi there, I am booked on the same trip. My son will be 10 when we go. See you soon!
  • We're also booked on this tour--Two families, grandparents and a few cousins. The kids are one 18 year old, three 17 year olds (one set of twins), a sixteen, fifteen and twelve year old. This will be the first European trip for the kids and a few of the adults. Looking forward to meeting you!
  • I just booked this tour and will be traveling with two 18 year old boys and a 21 year old girl. First European trip for the boys. I am very glad to see a mix of ages and other teenagers on the trip! Has anyone traveled with Tauck previously?
  • Just a week to go! Hope everyone is ready - the temperature is nearly 20 degrees cooler in the UK than Italy so it will be a shock when we arrive.

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