Age Range on the July 14 Scandinavian Trip

We are taking the July 14th Scandinavian Trip.... We are a family of five which includes a 14 year old. Anyone else have someone in that age range????


  • Most of the time you will not find children on these trips. I have taken over 10 tours and only had a few kids on them. On my scandavia trip last June had a 18 year old traveling with his grandparents on one trip I remember a kid about 14 or 15. Both ver mature and well-behaved. Also, they had know problem with being with older people. If you want to know if you can expect any other kids call Tauck when your trip shows full.
  • Thanks for your "general " comments. This is her 6th Tauck Tour and she too is very mature! By the end of every tour she is voted "Super Trooper" by everyone.
  • She sounds like the 17 year old on my trip. He was not affected by the age of the people on the tour and enjoyed himself. Loved seeing how he was with both his grandparents.
  • It is always difficult to know the make up of a tour party in advance. We took our 13 year old daughter on the Rockies tour from England a few years ago and she was the only youngster but fitted in extremely well. In fact we found that the older participants warmed to her and had great fun.
    We have done the Scandinavia tour and it is a super tour with, when we went, some "audience participation" which I am sure younger travellers will enjoy.
  • Thanks Richard for your comments. This tour seems to get great reviews. We are looking forward to traveling with Tauck again. This is my 12 tour with Tauck. They are the best!

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