Single female traveler in Istanbul Treasures of the Agean June 2015

Has anyone experienced or seen any problems for single female visitors in Istanbul? What about appropriate dress? I would appreciate any tips/advice.


  • Hi, packinhappy.....I was in Turkey last year. While I did not go with Tauck, I did have a private guide and driver. I visited Istanbul, Cappadocia and Ephasus during the month of Ramadan. If you go then, be prepared to be awakened very early for the morning by the call to prayer! My guides and my drivers (in each city) were not concerned about my traveling as a single woman, although I did not wander about alone at night. Additionally, while I never wore short shorts or sleeveless shirts, they never asked me to cover my head when we entered mosques (and I did have a scarf with me should they feel it was necessary). I was not the only woman who did not cover my head. When inside mosques and other sites, I never felt uncomfortable or unsafe. There were many tourists who were (I felt) inappropriately dressed for being in a Muslim country, and I was disappointed to see that many of them were from the US. I do believe you'll have a wonderful and safe time....and want to return again, as I do.

    Oh, and be sure to get a window seat flying in to Istanbul....the sight of the city as you prepare to land is amazing. Enjoy the food. It's wonderful! And a Turkish bath is not something to skip. It is a once in a lifetime experience.
  • Thank you ! Do you recommend visiting the Dolmabache Palace? This is not on the tour and I am not sure how to get there from the Hotel. Taxi? Did you try any of the public transportation?
  • We were on this trip in 2011 and did the Dolmabache palace prior to the tour start. It is a very short taxi ride from the hotel. We did not try public transportation. The palace was fascinating and the grounds beautiful. I highly recommend it.

    We became friends with a solo female traveler and she reported no issues of any kind.
  • Yes, do I had a private car and driver, I never used public transportation while in Turkey, but I am sure the taxi's are OK and safe. I would be sure to arrange pick up from the palace with the hotel before leaving so you are not at a loss when you are ready to return. Enjoy....Istanbul is a wonderful city to visit.

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