April 11,2015 trip

My husband and I are on the April 11 Cruising the Land of the Rising Sun (Southbound) trip. Interesting in dialogue get with others who are or have been on this itinerary. We are arriving in Kyoto 2 days early and hope to take one of our extra days to see Nara - private or group guide. Anyone else planning this? I have written to the hotel to see if they have a recommendation and if they actually book such tours. Kathy S


  • My husband and I are also on the April 11 departure. While we have been to Japan once before, we have only been in Tokoyo and Hirsoshima of the destinations on this trip. We will arrive 1 day early using our gift of time. Have just started researching. We are from Denver.
  • This is our first trip to Japan, so can't help. We are hoping there will be some bridge players on our tour. We will be staying an extra day in Tokyo. We are from Southern CA. Looking forward to meeting our fellow travelers and having a great trip. Diane and Dennis Schmitz
  • Kathy, We are on the same trip and also arriving 2 days early to go to Nara. We also are hoping for a tour on Friday. I chatted with the hotel a yr ago - they suggested we wait till we arrive to book. Perhaps we will run into you in the hotel on Thurs nite. Janet
  • We are also on the Southbound tour commencing on 11 April, and are from Sydney, Australia. We plan on arriving 1 day early into Kyoto, but I haven't yet completed travel arrangements. Looking forward to making new friends, so hello to everyone on this forum already.

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