Romantic Germany 23/09/15 Departure

We will arrive in Frankfurt one day before the group meets. Any suggestions for local sights, day trip or restaurants? This is our first trip to Germany.


  • We did this trip last Fall. Frankfurt is a very business- oriented city, but there are still some great places to visit. There were some free walking tours I would have liked to take but just never got to. Check them out on Trip Advisor if you are interested. The hotel is in an excellent location for walking (if you like to walk). One day we walked along the Main River and to Roemer Square, the historic center. We crossed the river at the "Love Bridge," very cute. Another day we took a cab to the Opera Plaza and then walked back to the hotel after going through the shopping center, Zeil, a pedestrian street. We lucked out as there was a "Food Market Street Fair" that day. So much fun looking through the various fruits, veggies, meats, local wares and food trucks. I actually picked up some lovely wool yarn at a great price. We had lunch at Meyers, a restaurant recommended by the concierge. It was very popular and great for people watching. On another day we visited Palmengarten, a park area. While the hotel has great food, there are many excellent restaurants within walking distance. One night we ate at Edelweisse...fantastic Weiner Schnitzel...and another night at Casa Nova for delicious Italian food and wonderful service. Do not feel guilty about having Italian food as there is so much great German food on this tour! Any other questions??
  • Gary James wrote:
    We will arrive in Frankfurt one day before the group meets. Any suggestions for local sights, day trip or restaurants? This is our first trip to Germany.

    Hi, Gary:

    Linda and I will also be arriving early, on September 25. We're coming from South Florida. This is our third Tauck Tours trip. Please let us know if you have received other suggestions for restaurants.
    Alan Spector

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