Classic Italy - Small Groups May 31, 2015

My husband and I live in Portland, Oregon and have booked this trip with Tauck beginning May 31, 2015. This is our first trip with Tauck and we are totally ready to get this journey underway! We would love to make contact with others who will be taking this adventure with us. Have you been on Tauck vacations before? Have you been to Italy before? Hope to hear from some of you!


  • Hello. We live in Dallas, Texas. This will be our fifth Tauck tour. We can't wait to go to Italy. Travelers on past trips told us that the Classic Italy tour is fabulous. We look forward to meeting you. We're arriving a day early on May 30 in Sorrento and departing a day late from Venice.
  • I did the Italy small groups tour last September and it was fabulous - we saw so many of the highlights of Italy. It is very fast faced so be rested and in good shape when this begins. I suggest two days early in Sorrento (a wonderful town); one to rest up and another to see Capri or whatever else in the area interests you. I did not add on time in Venice but I had been there a number of times before - if it were my first time I would absolutely want one or two more days there. Have a wonderful time.
  • Hello. My friend just returned from a trip to Florence and Rome. She said that right now the film Inferno (by Dan Brown) is being filmed in Florence. The movie is directed by Ron Howard and stars Tom Hanks, Helen Mirren, and Felicity Jones. My friend recommended that I read the book before going to Florence so I can look for the sights mentioned in the book. What great advice!
  • Hello. I just received additional advice concering the tour of the Amalfi Coast. My friend said to bring motion sickness medication and be sure to take it early so it works. The roads are winding and travel up the mountainside with sharp curves.

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