Clothing on Scandinavia Trip

We are going on a mid-July trip. Do we need warm clothing for the ferry ride and fjords? If it is on the same latitude as Anchorage, we certainly needed almost winter jackets viewing to glaciers when we toured there.


  • I was there in June last year and did well with spring clothes for most of the time. The coldest was arrival in Sweden. I had a fleece jacket to put under my spring jacket. Just remember layers. Would be nice during the day and cool off around 7 great trip enjoy. Suggestion. Don't do included lunch in Oslo takes too much of the short time. Go to city hall to tour instead. I had only time for museum on the occupation during WW2 before closing then walked to walk on the opera house and had nice supper outside near where the not so good lunch was. There is, also, seeing the scream pic if that is important to you.

    We were very lucky and had really nice weather all but 2 days.

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