Classic Italy Small Group April 19, 2015

Traveling solo on this trip from Southern California, my first one with Tauck. Would love to hear from others booked on this trip. Have you travelled with Tauck before? in Italy? Anyone arriving ahead of time? Any other Californians?


  • I'm traveling solo also on this trip from Atlanta. It's my second trip with Tauck - did Central Europe last year. Tried to go to Italy but all trips were sold out. I am arriving one day early.
  • Hi Ninna, glad to hear there is another solo traveler on this one. I tried to take this trip last year also but had to cancel. Looking forward to meeting you and our fellow travelers.
  • Hi,Iam also traveling solo on this trip. I have traveled with Tauck 8 times. I live in Utah now but previously from Roswell, Ga. I am arriving a day early as well. Looking forward to meeting you both!
  • So... my husband is going to be surrounded by solo female travelers? Hmmm. I'll have to keep my eye on him.
    Bill and I are from Los Angeles and will be spending our Saturday night in Naples and coming to Sorrento on Sunday.This will be our first Tauck tour, and we're getting excited. Martha
  • You will love traveling with Tauck. I am looking forward to meeting you both!

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