Amsterdam to Budapest

Who is on the June 14 cruise and staying in Amsterdam at the "Tauck Hotel"? anyone from CA or TX?

Those who have been on the cruise, were you actually introduced to the prince whose palace you enjoyed dinner and entertainment in? Just wondering............................


  • Theresa, My wife and I will be arriving in Amsterdam on June 13 and staying that night at the InterContinental Amstel River Hotel prior to the cruise. We are celebrating our 31st anniversary. As you might guess, we are from Roanoke, Virginia. This is our 10th trip with Tauck, but this is our first river cruise. We look forward to meeting everyone. See you soon! Marion and Bob Walton
  • Marion & Bob, Will meet you at the hotel. This is our first river cruise also and my third Tauck trip. Terri (AKA Theresa) and Gary.
  • If you are spending a few days in Budapest after your cruise then you may find this interesting.
    A 26 minute YouTube video clip of Budapest. Narrated by Rick Steves in English.

    Click here.

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