Paradors June 8

My wife and I are first time Tauck travelers, and will be taking the June 8 tour. Normally, we travel on our own or with friends, but had been thinking about doing a "small" group tour for awhile. Looking forward to meeting our fellow travelers. We will be arriving in Barcelona on the evening of June 5, so we have a couple of days to play with. We're planning to do the Food Lovers Tapas Tour on the evening of June 7. Can't wait!


  • We are a couple from Panama who are also traveling with Tauck for the first time. We are very excited and looking forward. The Food Lovers Tapas Tour sound delicious and fun, we are arriving the morning of June 7. Will love to meet all our tour members.
  • Hi this is Mike. You can sign up on line in advance for the Food Lovers Tour. You can see reviews on Trip Advisor. Should be fun. Looking forward to meeting you all. If you are interested in more discussion, I'll give you my email address and we can go from there.
  • Hello, all I can say is : You will LOVE! Tauck.
    I was a independent traveler for about 20 some years... not any more. I got the Tauck Bug! :))
    You will get pamper, all taken care for and treated like royalty @ all the places Tauck goes..
    One xtra thing. DRINK ALL THE WINE YOU CAN!!! :))) on this tour the wine runs like water or it used to.

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