Canyons and painted Bridges

Interested in have to clothes needed for this trip. Are jeans acceptable for dinners?
We have 6 grand children coming--ages 17 to 13. Are we going to have any other children in these age groups on the trip?

Any special tips from previous people who went on this trip?



  • I did the Bridges tour of Red Rocks and Painted Canyons two years ago. At the welcome dinner and the farewell, people may have worn a dressier pair of slacks and shirt/blouse, but for all the rest jeans were fine. You are staying in the National Parks so most people have come to hike so dress is casual.

    They are many activities that you can do, primarily hiking. If you are not a hiker, I would suggest that in Zion, you ride the shuttle to the trailhead and back. The scenery is beautiful. I rode it up to the first stop when we arrived and walked back on a short trail. This path was well worn so there was no difficulty and it was a nice walk. In fact my friend and I had to wait for a wild turkey to cross in front of us!

    The easiest way to find out the ages of the children on the tour would be to contact Tauck. They will give you a general breakdown of how many boys/girls and ages.

    This is beautiful country so the scenery is breath-taking at every turn.

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