Looking for other travelers on the Grand Alaska tour August 8 2015


  • Hi, Soupmom! We are from Columbia SC. We are flying from Charlotte to Anchorage via Seattle on Aug. 7. This is our fourth Tauck tour, all have been outstanding. Talked to our AAA travel agent today, she advised that our 2nd (non-checked, carry on) bag could not be a roller board as there will not be room for this on smaller plane, bus trips, etc. Will have to revise our packing routine!
  • Hi Tigerchill This is my first Tauck Tour but I have friends who have used them all the time. I will be travelling alone as no one I knew wanted to go to cold Alaska. Am looking forward to it. Yes I agree the packing will be a challenge especially with the cruise at the end. I live in Somerset NJ but have friends that moved to Lake Wiley SC. I fly into Charlotte to see them
  • would love to hear about your august trips in 2015. we are planning to go june 29, 2016. we are from charlotte, nc
    was the weather as expected? 50 and 60 degrees?

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